Sat October 4, 2008 2:13pm
ERA 753 - Accelerometer
This is a picture of the accelerometer that I've installed in our cobra. It allows the FAST XFI computer in the car to record G forces while the car is in operation.

Tue November 25, 2008 2:59pm
Shell Valley build
Rear roll bar down legs were notched and fitted. The first one was the hardest. After the correct angle and length were determined, the second one was a breeze. Good thing, since we broke Buddy's 2 inch hole saw while finishing the notch on the second down leg.

Michael J
Fri January 2, 2009 5:00pm Rating: 10
CSX 3274 Engine Bay
CSX 3274 in the pit area at the Steamboat Springs, CO. vintage races, 1998. There is no choke on this carb and repeated backfires while tuning kept the mechanics from leaning in too far.
Contact me at lightcatcher@bresnan.net for more details.

Thu January 22, 2009 11:23pm
Arntz tranny tunnel
Shown here is the removable section of the tranny tunnel. With the big engine setback in all the Arntz / Butler cars, you can remove the transmission while seated if you desire. Only a few very late Butlers had this and all Arntz Type 4 cars. I have no idea what the many cutouts are for Also shown are the two triangulation tubes that connect the center of the cowl hoop to the 2 main frame rails for increased rigidity. The 3rd leg of the roll bar (not shown) also attaches to the same point on the passenger side frame rail. This is Arntz Type 4 only as well.

Sat April 24, 2010 8:13pm
Home at last
Took a while but we're on our way

Tue March 1, 2011 9:09pm Rating: 10
Cobby out with the cows while new home is concreted

Sat June 4, 2011 4:57am Rating: 10
Here you can see my envclosed trailer that I store besied my garage. To make it easier to put the trailer into this spot, I have installed a front hitch on my Aviator (much easier looking forward instead of craning your necj while trying to manuever it).

Fri July 1, 2011 3:41pm Rating: 10

Sun July 24, 2011 4:31pm

Tue August 21, 2012 5:32pm Rating: 10
Sold says for $10m
took this photo at the RM auction while eating next door. Some say it sold for 10m, others say 11m. Fees?

Fri December 28, 2012 3:44am Rating: 10
BOSS 351 with Webers
I swapped the BOSS 351 engine out of the 1971 BOSS 351 Mustang that my Dad bought new nto the Pantera. I ran an experimental Ford 3-deuce setup for a while, but eventually swapped over to Webers.

Mon February 18, 2013 9:33am Rating: 10
It’s documented that (2) AC factory cars were prepared with FIA suitcase "dimples" (See Photos). The second modification was to enlarge the trunk base to allow the suitcase to fit upright (vertical) and further down into the trunk as shown. If you look closely at the photo you can see the suitcase also fit horizontal and was held in place with a “bungee cord”. You can also see the bolts protruding out the bottom of the suitcase which originally held the suitcase upright. I think this also explains why some of the FIA cars had dimples while others didn’t.
As for the actual size of the suitcase – FIA Historic Racing Championships - Appendix J. Both 1964 and 1965.
“270 - Luggage trunk
A covered space being an integral part of the coachwork but outside of the space occupied by the front seats, large enough to receive a trunk of
65 cm X 40 cm X 20 cm. minimum, besides the spare wheel, tools or the folded hood, shall be provided, excluding the spare wheel, tools or removed canopy.”

Pete Munroe
Sat May 11, 2013 12:14pm
Notching a Weiand Stealth manifold like Edelbrock Air-Gap
My "home made" Bridgeport Mill...well, have a milling bit anyway...took a while to figure out how to feed the work so the bit wouldn't chatter. First pass the bottom was uneven. Second pass rigged up a better support and got the notch parallel to the carb pad.

Wed March 18, 2015 10:36am Rating: 10
KMP600 basking in the sun (early stages of paint)
KMP600 basking in the sun (early stages of paint) while flirting with CSX3030

Fri May 15, 2015 5:03am
Substance abuse treatment programs
Substance abuse treatment programs - Sam’s Guided Meditation Program is stronger than hypnosis. He pinpoints the root of your problem and while you sleep, he fixes it. Do You have a challenge that is preventing You from having the life You deserve? For the past 60 years, Sam Meranto has helped thousands of people just like You.