Tony Radford
Sun March 8, 2009 5:03pm Rating: 10
Expansion Tank Installation

Tony Radford
Sun March 8, 2009 5:03pm Rating: 10
Expansion Tank Installation

Sat March 14, 2009 5:24pm

Wed September 23, 2009 9:42am Rating: 10
Cooling System Pressure Test Hose Connection
I tapped into the side of my expansion tank to check for potential cooling system leaks with 10-15 psi shop air.

Mon November 2, 2009 11:08am
Passanger side.
building the passanger side up with foam. You have to aware of the ambient temp. Anything below 80 and you dont get the expansion like you should. Takes alot more foam when its cooler.

Wed August 11, 2010 5:01pm
SunDude's SPF engine bay: After
This is how my engine bay looks now that I have added some nice dress-up parts: black crackle-finish Cobra air cleaner with K&M filter element, 427 Cobra valve covers, a proper expansion tank, and new plug wires and distributor.

Wed August 11, 2010 5:01pm Rating: 10
SunDude's SPF engine bay: Before
This is how my engine bay looked when I first bought the car. Note, ball-milled air cleaner, natural aluminum valve covers, and plain expansion tank from Finish Line.

Thu August 12, 2010 10:20am Rating: 10
SunDude's SPF engine bay: after
This is how my engine bay looks now that I have added some nice dress-up parts: black crackle-finish Cobra air cleaner with K&M filter element, 427 Cobra valve covers, a proper expansion tank, and new plug wires and distributor.

Nigel Pearson
Wed October 13, 2010 10:27pm

Sat October 20, 2012 9:41am
parts collection
Expansion tank, filler shield, badges, license plate frame, Sun tach, Galaxie clock, visors,

Sun December 15, 2013 7:35am Rating: 1
An expansion tank in polished aluminum.

Fri December 19, 2014 1:39pm Rating: 10
Harrison expansion tank with brackets ready to install

Fri January 16, 2015 2:12pm
connection between the two breather hoses and the new expansion tank

Wed February 18, 2015 1:53pm Rating: 10
expansion tank, thermostat housing and some other new parts installed

Dan Case
Thu July 13, 2017 6:28am Rating: 10
B8A-8100-A 1963-64 version
This is the common radiator cap for Cobras using the Ford-McCord supplied coolant expansion tank. Ford used this "part number" for various vehicles 1957 (starting with 1958 model year) through approximately 1966. That does not mean the same tools and same exact details were used all those years. Early caps included a "B8A" text on one ear of the cap.