10 result(s) to your search. (Ol\')

Sun February 2, 2003 7:06pm Rating: 10

Tom Durham
Tue February 4, 2003 12:08pm Rating: 10

Sun May 4, 2003 8:42pm Rating: 10
Done right!
Tom Barnard (Tom's Motorsports in Las Vegas) working some of his magic on Ol' 182.....what a difference!

Chifo Jr
Sun June 8, 2003 3:54pm Rating: 10
Ol' Yeller
The ol yeller buick special. Note the helmet, its one of Dan Gurneys early helmets. Valuable enough to have it cabled to the rollbar

Tue November 2, 2004 12:39pm Rating: 10

Sat December 25, 2004 2:21pm Rating: 10
Pdhse and OY2
Paul savors the history of Ol' Yaller II

Mon January 10, 2005 12:39pm Rating: 10
Epoxy-coated the ol' garage floor. Sure makes winter oil changes less miserable.

Tongue Pirate
Sat July 2, 2005 9:19pm

Sun September 11, 2005 7:55am Rating: 10
Air Cleaner
My air cleaner after the ol' rattle can make-over.

Tue May 27, 2008 6:53am
Dark side power
Classic Roadsters Chevy 350/TH 350 combo. Very few Ford V-8's in Indo and even less parts. Practicality over originality. Bit better than the ol' girl's Holden 6.
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