Sun August 25, 2002 3:33pm Rating: 6
First ride
This is the 1st trip out with a passanger. (My Daughter). Just a cruise around the neighborhood!

Tue October 22, 2002 7:51pm Rating: 10

Tue May 27, 2003 12:56pm Rating: 10
Dick Smith
The real deal 427, not a replica or continuation. Legend has it that he was clocked at 198 mph at Daytona, thus the number. Mr Smith used to regularly drive over in this beauty to visit my neighbor back in late 60's. Thanks to Jamo for identifying the car that I spent 35 years wondering about!

Secret Squirrel
Tue December 21, 2004 8:26am Rating: 10
Cool Down After First Road Test
Engine after 1st road test around the neighborhood. Cool down and leak inspection, 12/19/2004.

Terry Stapley
Fri April 22, 2005 3:59pm Rating: 10

Sat August 6, 2005 9:41am Rating: 10
Saluki's and Bruce
Dallas August, 05. The Nolan's with their old friend, and my neighbor, Bruce. Great get together!
(baby Andrew )

Sat December 24, 2005 7:00am Rating: 10

Wed July 12, 2006 7:20am Rating: 10

Wed July 12, 2006 7:20am Rating: 10

Terry Stapley
Wed August 2, 2006 10:25am Rating: 10

Fri February 15, 2008 9:25am Rating: 10
Gavin STUCK in mailbox
Funny neighbor kid. Already called "shotgun" for the first ride...

Tue August 26, 2008 9:38am
My Wacky Neighbor ...
Never would get it done without help from my crazy beer guzzlin' pals.....

Tue August 26, 2008 10:24am
After some work on the motor
As my neighbor Says... Chrome don't get you home.... But I still like shiny things....

Mon February 9, 2009 12:44am Rating: 10
Tabby the guard cat...doing what she does best !!
When she was little she slept in the roadster, 'til she clawed up the seats, then it was under the car until one day she got stuck, now she just hangs around the yard, eats the flowers, and keeps the neighbors honest...

Sat March 7, 2009 4:04am Rating: 10
Just another rainy day in our neighborhood...