Sat August 16, 2014 9:09pm
New air filter design for Velocity stacks
I have developed this on my CAD system and in process to fabricate. May start making these for a business. Simple design,easy on and off for maintenance, and above all it looks good.

Sun November 30, 2014 4:29pm
NAF Interior
Interior almost complete. Still have side panels to build.

Fri May 15, 2015 5:03am
Substance abuse treatment programs
Substance abuse treatment programs - Sam’s Guided Meditation Program is stronger than hypnosis. He pinpoints the root of your problem and while you sleep, he fixes it. Do You have a challenge that is preventing You from having the life You deserve? For the past 60 years, Sam Meranto has helped thousands of people just like You.

Mon May 18, 2015 1:46am
HAZWOPER Training National Environmental Trainers® (NET) offers the highest quality available in online HAZWOPER refresher and 40 Hour HAZWOPER Training and certification. We are specialists and experts with many years experience in this field. Our site contains a comprehensive catalog of OSHA courses for online safety training. We have trained many professionals with our courses, including state and federal regulators.

Dan Case
Mon November 16, 2015 6:06am Rating: 10
DELANAIR brand tag on Cobra Heaters
Early heaters may might have one of these tags affixed, most heaters do not.

Tue December 8, 2015 10:24am Rating: 10
Plastidip Fender splashes
Works great!
Peel off when you want a change.
I still have mine on after almost a year.

Mon December 28, 2015 3:53pm Rating: 10
LCS 2015
LCS this year I have a hard top. It rained for two days after we arrived in Columbus.

Wed January 27, 2016 3:42pm Rating: 10
Up to 1964 Weber 48IDM brass banjo and bolt kit
This is a complete 48IDM Weber brass banjo fuel inlet with a 3/8" steel inlet pipe just as Shelby's race team fabricators made in the 1960s. This kit would be correct for 48IDM Weber system all the way up to 289 FIA Cobra chassis CSX2259 & CSX2260. These fittings also would have been present on 48IDM Weber systems that were converted to 48IDA systems.

Tue September 20, 2016 10:41pm Rating: 10
Holley carburetor secondary diaphragm
zoom on diaphragm/vacuum actuator for secondaries.
Ignore the air filters that have been accidentally damaged during service

Tue January 24, 2017 6:29am Rating: 10
Almost there.
It's nice to have helpful friends!

Bill E
Fri May 25, 2018 9:10pm
cobra crash
Had this been right hand drive he would not have survived

Mon May 11, 2020 6:01am Rating: 10
1965 Cross Ram 426 Race Hemi
1965 cross ram race hemi, as installed in a 1965 Dodge Coronet A990 super stock. The race hemi was all cast iron in 1964, as the cars were built with lightweight body panels. NHRA stipulated that for 1965, all superstocks had to have steel body panels, so Chrysler redesigned the 426 race hemi with aluminum heads and water pump as compared to 1964, to lighten up the cars, along with lighter steel acid dipped body panels. I believe the 1965 Race Hemi's were the only hemis equipped with factory aluminum heads. What a beast !!!!

Sun May 15, 2022 8:38am
Aceca colors and pattern
I plan to have the colors as on the sprayover dummy, blue and cream. The body will be cream and the area between the lines taped on the gold Aceca will be blue. Might have a dark blue pin stripe on the edge of the blue.

Sun May 15, 2022 8:38am Rating: 10
Aceca colors and pattern
I plan to have the colors as on the sprayover dummy, blue and cream. The body will be cream and the area between the lines taped on the gold Aceca will be blue. Might have a dark blue pin stripe on the edge of the blue.

Fri December 27, 2024 2:25am