Sun July 29, 2007 2:01pm Rating: 10
Breakfast Run July 29
Three Cobras and a Bow Tie went to Breakfast.

Tue July 31, 2007 11:57am
Dec 18,2006
Went to granby to pick up my kit

Clois Harlan
Mon October 22, 2007 7:50pm Rating: 10
Morris Clement after he went into turn at turn one at 135 mph

Sun November 18, 2007 6:06pm
391 FT Steel Crank
knife edged and lightened, went from 75lbs to 65lbs, 3.78in stroke, .010/.010, machined snout and flywheel face to fit FE

Fri March 28, 2008 10:27am Rating: 10
THE Main St. in Washington on The Brazos.It went to the ferry to cross the Brazos River.

Wed December 3, 2008 3:19pm
Shell Valley build
We finished welding on the frame and gave it its first coat of black paint. Half the paint went on the frame, 1/4 of it went on the drop cloth, and the other 1/4 went on Buddy and myself. I had to take a shower in paint thinner!

Tue December 30, 2008 2:41pm
Shell Valley build
We got the radiator back from the radiator shop and it went back in with no problems or leaks. This is a picture of the car after returning from a cruise/test drive around Buddy's yard and leaving 2 long black streaks down his driveway.

Ken Williams
Tue March 3, 2009 5:18pm
At Operation Comfort
Some of the Texas Cobra Club members went to a Ranch south of San Antonio where disabled Vets from Brooks Army Hospital are being rehabilitated. We gave rides and donated some tools

Thu May 28, 2009 9:34pm Rating: 1
First coat went on yesterday. The colour is from VZ Monaro & known as Turismo with additional Pearl. Now the stripes, clear and flow coat and it should be out of the painters next week.

Dan Case
Sat January 16, 2010 3:03am Rating: 10
6.5 Early Six Spoke Front (front side)
Bolt On Balance Weight Wheels, the bosses on the spokes are for bolt on wheel weights, a threaded rod went in from the rear, round lead weights when over the studs.

Sat March 5, 2011 5:48am Rating: 10
427 S/C Cobra - ERA 623 Feb 2011 - decooney
427 S/C Cobra - ERA 623 Feb 2011 - decooney.
Just after repaint. Went from solid silver to solid Blue. Looks like an entirely different car.

Sat August 13, 2011 9:38pm
Picking her up from GForce
Here's what I was presented with when I went to pick up the car from Rob at GForce. Needless to say, you couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

Sun January 13, 2013 8:56am
snakewench's new toy!
Update: This car went to Snake Heaven in March of 2013. Yep, I spun-out on a flat curve and smacked a tree, crunched the frame (see pic in Aunt Bea's album)

Mon December 2, 2013 4:25pm
Great Views in the rear vision mirror on the run for Christmas Lunch
Went on a run for about 90 minutes ending at Harrigans Drift Inn at Jacobs Well for Christmas Lunch .

Dan Case
Tue September 19, 2017 12:18pm Rating: 10
2017 East Meets West Cobra 1000 Tour
CSX2551 starting up a snow covered pass behind CSX2497. The higher we went the worse conditions got and the more snow there was on the road. That road grader up front only led part of the way.