Registered: February 2006 Location: Scottsdale Posts: 705
3rd gear G-tech data vs. changes Superformance 2040 with Roush 427R-095
The power values represented are G-tech HP. This should not be confused with any other method of testing HP. It's only a number of reference.
Just as wheel HP on a chassis dyno is lower than flywheel HP because of additional drive line loss, the G-tech HP is lower than chassis dyno due to additional resistance such as aero drag and road resistance, even amount of air in tires would have a factor. As speed increases aero drag as well as other rolling resistance increase. For example as an estimate @ 50 mph there is an equivalent of approximately -12 HP, @ 100 mph -90 HP, @ 130 mph right about -200 HP for the shape of the Cobra.
· Date: Mon February 5, 2007 · Views: 1046 · Filesize:56.2kb, 403.5kb · Dimensions: 1047 x 763 ·