For Sale By
Date Posted
Fri January 26, 2007
Asking Price
Best Offer
After collecting parts for my Cobra for a few years, I have now decided that all these extra parts I have need to go. I need the shelf space. I will add more pics as I get them and can take more detailed photos if asked. The heads are C6AE-F castings that have been mildly ported/cleaned up. The rollers are FPP rockers in the 1.73 ratio. I also have a nice roller cam that needs a good home. This is a custom grind Lunati with solid roller lifters. Specs on the cam are: 560/584 lift at valve with 1.73 rockers, 246/256 duration @ .050 lift, advertised duration is 286/296. I would love to sell the heads, cam, rockers, as a package since they all were bought to work together. But, I am willing to sell seperate.
Heads $500 offer
Rockers $500 offer
Cam $350 offer
Roller lifters $300 offer
Hardenend pushrods $100 offer
I also have some basic chrome valve covers, FE Fluidamper and some other misc stuff. Please email any questions to csx4780@mac.com and use COBRA PARTS in the topic to get past the email filter. This stuff HAS to go! No reasonable offer refused!
Valve covers $25
Fluidamper $100 offer
Dual oil filter adapter $50 offer
http://s45.photobucket.com/albums/f5... for sale/
Garage sale
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