Registered: December 2004 Location: San Luis Obispo Posts: 74
Comment Date: Mon March 2, 2009
Is this the bellhousing that only fits the 1995 Mustang Cobra "R"? Do you happen to know what the difference is to a standard Tremec bellhousing? Thanks,
Jim Vander Wal CC Member
Registered: September 2002 Location: Grand Rapids Posts: 357
Comment Date: Mon March 2, 2009
Checking the Ford 2008 Performance Parts Catalog and looking at the photos and housing it is difficult to tell if its the M6392-E for the '78-'93 5.0 or the -R58 variation. I do believe that it is the -R58 from the hole pattern.
I apologize for any possible misrepresentation.
How does one tell which it is? There are no numbers on the housing, I was going by photos in the catalog.
I can supply additional photos if it would help.
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