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Date Posted
Sat June 24, 2023
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Protex stainless steel clamps / draw latches part number 71-2573SS. These are adjustable and with a sliding locking latch. When I was looking for clamps for the hardtop project, I came across these clamps and thought they would make fine front or rear hold downs. They are pretty expensive coming from England, so I called the US distributor and he offered me two samples free of charge if I paid shipping. Great I thought, gave him my credit card number, and a few days later these arrived. Not the same, although the one could have the ears milled or sawn off to be like the other. BUT, I had already found a better (in my opinion) alternative and had ordered it. If anyone would like these for the cost of shipping twice they are yours. Probably going to come to $25.
Stainless steel latching over center clamps / draw latches
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