Hoi Jörg
Schön Dich hier auch zu sehen.
Does the car have a Swiss registration (Grauer Ausweis)?
If yes the first, most likely impossible step, has been passed and you can think about buying this car. If not there is a 99% chance it will never get a Swiss license plate on.
On the price range you should have a look on Autoscout and check the Cobras WITH the Swiss registration only .
The market in Switzerland is special. As there is close to no possibility to register Cobras & Co in Switzerland (beside CSX2000’s and 3000’s with bullet proven history) the prices went up insane.
You can find for example:
> red Contemporary 427 Cobra for 218’000CHF (would be +/- the same in US$)
> blue Pilgrim for 88’999CHF
As you can see this prices are fare above the price you would have to pay in the US or UK. "Normal" price range in Switzerland for a non-aluminum Cobra is 90’000-240’000CHF.
Driving with your Cobra is fun,
Racing with your Cobra is amazing,
Driving hill-climbing races with your Cobra is....