Building my Butler Cobra
I was six years old when a live Cobra slithered into our living room. Fear and pandemonium struck our family of four. From that day the word Cobra got my undivided attention. I think I was 13 or 14 years old when I was confronted again by the Cobra, it was a picture in a car magazine. If only Eve was as lucky as I with my asp encounters.
Living in India, my only reference of what was happening in the rest of the world was radio, the movie screen, news magazines, comic books & car magazines. No broadcast television existed. I was almost 17 when I saw a my first television show in Australia. Life continued and Cobras were often on my mind. Thirty years after the first Cobra encounter I ended up living in the USA, the nation of my love. One day the Cobra struck again. So I painted this red Cobra (Lal Naja in Hindi) on a canvas, but that was not enough. And as all things are possible in the USA, I started building my dream. These photos show the slow progression of my project. What can I say, work gets in the way of life. I hope you enjoy seeing my build. Sorry the photos are all out of order. It is not possible to sort the photos after they are uploaded to this site. I would have to start over and upload them in order and don't have time right now, perhaps after the build is complete. Arthur Mitchell |
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