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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2018, 08:20 PM
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Default Sunshine coast run

Hi All, plans are being hatched to put on another SC CnC run. The plan is to link up with a group from the QLD Cobra Car Club coming from the Goldy/Brisbane. They will make a weekend of it and do a night over up in the hills (Maleny or somewhere) and then head down to the flats on Sunday to have breakfast at the Sunspace Cafe on Noosa Eumundi Rd Doonan.

Depending on how we plan it we might meet them on the way down the hill and rumble into the cafe or some/all will meet them there.

After breaky there'll be an option to cruise down the beach road from Noosa to Coolum and then run back out the Highway from there for a run home before the traffic starts around lunchtime.

As far as dates go there's a bit to organise as the calendar is pretty busy with A series, 2 Days of thunder and those heading to the Nats as well but it will be sometime later this year. You don't need to be a club member to attend you just have to be in a cobra, Gt40 or Daytona (yes ok Mustang is OK). No ricers trying to run up my A$$ this run please.

Just an early heads up so you know its on the calendar.

schipps, dc7531, muzzza and 1 others like this.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2018, 11:55 PM
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The QLD COBRA CAR CLUB is putting a weekend away together on the Sunshine Coast staying overnight Saturday 18th August at the Golden Beach Motor Inn at Caloundra. The Caloundra Street Fair and Markets is on in the main street on the Sunday.

The Club President has put out an EOI to club members and based on what he gets back the Sunshine Coast mob might be interested to meet up Sunday am for breakfast at a venue TBC. (I reckon the plane museum at Caloundra would be cool but Im not organising it so dunno)

Im waiting to hear back as to what interest has been generated club wise first.

Im still planning on doing either something with Bowdens or something else car orientated at some stage but Ive got a lot on outside cobra world at the moment so my times a bit limited.

schipps likes this.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2018, 12:27 AM
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It looks like the southerners have a nice little run up from the GC staying at Caloundra overnight. A group of 10 people and 5 cars thus far.

At this stage Im not sure if Im here or away (most likely away) but Im happy to do a run sheet for anyone interested to link up with the GC Briso Mob.

If you want me to arrange something let me know or worse case email Denis the QLD CCC Pres and he can fill you in.
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