Although the details haven’t been finalized, the theme of this year’s event will have something to do with BMW so I’m expecting the BMW club to be back in force. The guest celebrity has not been chosen at this point. Eventually the websites –
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SOVREN – will be updated and include more information on this year’s races. As in past years, the net proceeds from the event go to the uncompensated care fund at Children’s Hospital in Seattle.
For this race, 100’s of meticulously restored and maintained one-of-a-kind racecars are brought in from around the world and then driven as intended. Although vintage racing is not “real” competition in the sense that the cars are not driven to their limits 100% of the time, scoring is based on laps completed rather than order of finish, and the safety of the cars and drivers is the foremost concern, the drivers are still interested in turning in the best possible lap times. Be prepared for some real racing as conditions allow. Without the pressure to have the fastest possible car, the drivers and pit crews are willing (often eager) to display and talk to others about the cars. The pits are open to spectators all three days. The newest racecars are over 40 years old and historically experience about 10% attrition per day (some cars entered in the race never complete a lap of competition), so Friday provides the best opportunity to see all of the cars in action in a much less crowded environment. Races are scheduled for all three days and there should be some great vendor and featured car displays.
The car corral at the PNW Historics is an excellent opportunity for members of local car clubs to meet and display their cars and for those attending the races to see and ask questions about cars that may not be commonly encountered on the street. Those displaying their cars in the corral on Saturday or Sunday may participate in parade laps on the Pacific Raceways track during the lunch break and an informal judging for the “best” cars in various age groups. The judges are generally children of event volunteers. There are no formal car corral activities on Friday but the area is open to those purchasing car corral passes for the weekend or Friday.
Tickets for the car corral (admits car and driver) are $30 for one day or $50 for the weekend. This reflects an additional $5 parking fee that SOVREN Guild charges for track side parking. Ticket prices for passengers are the same as last year with one-day tickets at $25 and weekend tickets at $40. Tickets for children 7 to 16 are $5 per day. Space may be reserved for a club information booth for $20 per day or $35 for the weekend. There is a 20-car limit for each club and we have approached the 250 car limit the past few years for the Saturday corral. The car corral is always very crowded and is usually a sell-out. A Car Corral registration form is attached below for your convenience. Please print and fill out the form and return the form with a check.
Please register before June 1st. Your checks will NOT be cashed by the SOVREN Guild until end of June when you will receive your tickets. Look forward to seeing you all at the event. If you have any questions you can email me at