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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2023, 07:13 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Bernville, PA
Cobra Make, Engine: 289 Leaf Spring - On Hold
Posts: 126
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Default Merry Christmas! (Please Read)

I have been contacted by a few folks about drawings over the years. I had (what I thought) was a pretty decent set of 289 frame and suspension drawings. Unfortunately, the old computer that had them suffered a hard drive failure. Aside from sending out the hard drive for recovery ($$$), they’re gone. But all is not lost! I was going through a drawer in my desk and I found a stack of CD-R’s and wouldn’t you know, one said “Cobra Backup.” It’s an older backup but the frame, control arms, spring towers and assorted other bits are there. These were drawn in CAD by myself from a set of paper drawings (which I also found) taken off an original (so the story goes). Soooo here’s the deal: send me an email with the title “Cobra Drawings” to biggmark two four six at I will reply with the drawings as attachments. They’re not that big. They are in pdf or dwg format so let me know which you prefer or both. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the drawings but I did build a chassis from them (which I sold and wish I didn’t) and they seemed OK. There are no drawings from people who sent me private drawings to draw in CAD. They sent me those in confidence that I not send them out and actually, they reside on the dead hard drive anyway so there’s that. I do wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and God bless.

- Mark

PS - I am thinking of putting the paper drawings on here for sale in the near future.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2023, 08:05 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Bernville, PA
Cobra Make, Engine: 289 Leaf Spring - On Hold
Posts: 126
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There should be 7 files of either PDF or DWG.

289 Cobra Bare Frame
289 Cobra Front A-Arm
289 Cobra Motor Mount
289 Cobra Pedal Box
289 Cobra Rear A-Arm
289 Cobra Spring Towers
289 Cobra Fr Susp
Ozgur_Tan and Stefun17 like this.
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