Registered: April 1999 Location: cleveland Posts: 1,999
This is a custom made mechanical fuel injection system for a 427 tunnel port. The throttle bodies are made by Tecalemit-Jackson, an English company, who made fuel injection systems for road racing. These are the 52mm throttle bodies, as compared to the 48mm. Each throttle body bolts on separately, to a weber 48IDA bolt pattern. This particular system has been modified to a hilborn style fuel metering system, a continuous flow, and doesn't have the Tecalemit-Jackson metering system. As there are no venturi's in the throttle bodies, which restrict flow, these 52mm throttle bodies shouyld flow as good as 58mm webers.
The intake is an original 427 tunnel port that has been extensively modified, I'm not sure if it was modified by someone like Holman-Moody ( a Tecalemit-Jackson dealer), or it was done in someone's garage, but it looks like it was done right.
· Date: Sat March 22, 2003 · Views: 1510 · Filesize: 47.3kb · Dimensions: 467 x 600 ·